
podcasts produced by jdaugh at Shrine13






In this podcast series produced by Andrew W. Mellon Fellow Dr. Stephanie Arel and award winning documentary filmmaker

Jessica Daugherty, we will speak with museum and memorial workers including curators, collectors, writers, and

directors about the impacts their work at memorial sites has on communities and themselves to investigate the

importance of the roles they play in society. The podcast is a continuation of Dr. Arel's research, and is a

companion podcast to her book Bearing Witness: The Wounds of Mass Trauma at Memorial Museums.

Listen Here


Plato proposes that the "khôra" rests between the sensible and the intelligible, through which everything passes but

in which nothing remains. For podcast producers Dr. Stephanie Arel and Jessica Daugherty, The Khôra serves as a

holding space, a container for encountering the emotional impact of caring and bearing witness to trauma. We aim to

learn from those engaged in practices of care, and who may encounter traumatic circumstances, in order to illuminate

strategies for individual growth, especially in situations where life presents stressful circumstances or when

others are in need. The ultimate goal is to acknowledge the witness and to make available resources for managing

stress and responding to trauma.

Listen here

⤐⤑⥺ Sonic⦽Altar ⭄⬸⬷     

Sonic Altar is an art sharing, discussion and music series hosted by jdaugh with artists, activists and thinkers

building a sonic altar to the ideas and sounds that shape our culture, from Hong Kong to Tijuana. Originally

broadcast on NettNettRadio.

Listen here